Minsk : Vers une nouvelle vague d'arrestations ?
Should we expect a new wave of arrests?
Tatiana Seminischeva who was detained yesterday thinks the reason for the house-check conducted at her flat is suspicion in copartnership in attack on the Okrestino temporary detention facility at the night of September 6th. In the course of the house-check a mobile phone, a hard disc and a USB were extracted. After a talk with the officers of the law-enforcement agencies Tatiana was dismissed.
Friends of Freedom group took responsibility for the attack on the Okrestino temporary detention facility. They had put another statement on the website of the Belarusian Indymedia where it was deleted due to the suspicion in falsity. As is said in the statement: “We take responsibility for all the recent radical actions and assert the guiltless, whom we even don’t know, are being accused of”. The activity of many internet media is being observed now. In the statement of the Belapan news agency, published there, it is said that the criminal case upon the attack is commenced under part 2 Article 399 of the Criminal Code (malicious hooliganism).
The headlines on the biggest news portals state that the representatives of the law-enforcement agencies have confirmed the information. Though in the same message it is written that “the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Minsk City Executive Committee have no comments on the situation”. According to the Radio Svaboda, the attendant of the pretrial detention centre disproved the fact of the attack, saying “this information is not correct”. Besides, as our people report, yesterday on Okrestino there were no traces of the combustion or fresh paint. Therefore, we consider the information on attack unreliable and provocative because this action is just an excuse for the further repressions towards people with an active civic-mindedness in the run-up to the presidential elections in Belarus.
We remind that seven people are in charge now being suspected in attack on the Russian Embassy on August 30, 2010. As we have already reported, their detention term was prolonged without any accusations. It may mean the absence of any evidence implicating their copartnership in the incident.
Update 19:37: According to interfax.by, Internal Affairs Department of Moskovskiy district has declared the commencement of the criminal case under article “malicious hooliganism”. It justifies our fear concerning the usage of the attack on Okrestino for the next wave of repressions.
Friends and relatives of those arrested (Contact)
Indymedia Belarus, 7 septembre 2010.
— Encore trois jours de plus de garde à vue pour les anarchistes (06/09)
— 2e jour sous les verrous pour les six activistes (05/09)
— La police biélorusse kidnappe des activistes (04/09)