Journée "contre l'austérité" à Athènes - 15 décembre

Publié le par la Rédaction

Journée de grève contre la rigueur en Grèce, violences à Athènes


Transports publics, aériens et maritimes étaient paralysés mercredi en Grèce à l'occasion d'une nouvelle journée d'action contre la politique d'austérité, qui a donné lieu à des violences dans le centre d'Athènes.



Sur la place Syntagma, des manifestants ont lancé des cocktails Molotov sur deux grands hôtels et la police est intervenue à coups de gaz lacrymogènes pour les disperser. Il y a eu une dizaine d'interpellations et trois blessés.


Alors qu'une manifestation rassemblant 20.000 personnes atteignait le Parlement, environ 200 manifestants s'en sont pris à l'ancien ministre conservateur des Transports, Kostis Hatzidakis, qui quittait l'enceinte.


Les manifestants ont pourchassé l'ancien ministre en criant «Voleurs! Honte à vous !» Ils lui ont lancé des pierres et l'ont frappé à coups de bâton.


Kostis Hatzidakis, le visage en sang, a pu trouver refuge dans un immeuble voisin.







Les syndicats de la fonction publique et du secteur privé ont appelé à la mobilisation contre le projet de budget 2011 que le Parlement examinera la semaine prochaine et qui prolonge l'effort réclamé aux Grecs.


Le mouvement de grève s'inscrit dans le cadre d'une nouvelle journée d'action à l'échelle européenne avant le sommet européen de jeudi et vendredi.


«Nous devons signifier au gouvernement que nous n'accepterons pas des mesures qui ne mènent qu'à l'appauvrissement et au chômage», a dit à Reuters Ilias Iliopoulos, secrétaire général du syndicat de la fonction publique ADEDY.





Mercredi matin, les navires sont restés dans les ports, les rues bouchées du centre d'Athènes avaient l'allure de parkings géants et les chaînes de télévision et les radios ne donnaient plus d'informations en raison de la grève des journalistes.


Les hôpitaux et ministères fonctionnaient au ralenti tandis que nombre de salariés du secteur privé sont restés chez eux.


«C'est bien que les gens descendent dans la rue. Ils nous ont pris nos droits. La patience a ses limites, nous avons des enfants et des prêts à rembourser», a dit George Mihalopoulos, employé de banque de 57 ans, qui attendait le début de la manifestation à Athènes.


Le gouvernement socialiste de Georges Papandréou, qui a dû accepter ce plan de rigueur en échange d'une aide financière de 110 milliards d'euros de l'Union européenne et du FMI, dispose d'une majorité confortable au Parlement, et les manifestations ne devraient pas le faire dévier du cap de l'austérité.


ADEDY réclame «le retrait du mémorandum d'accord avec l'UE et le FMI et l'abandon des politiques contre les travailleurs».


Tard mardi soir, les députés se sont mis d'accord sur un ensemble de réformes du marché du travail, dont une réduction des salaires dans les entreprises publiques de transports et une limitation de la négociation collective, les accords  d'entreprise primant désormais sur les accords de branche.


Dès mardi, les conducteurs de bus, visés par l'austérité salariale, ont manifesté dans Athènes pour dénoncer les «voleurs». Leur mouvement de grève, entamé lundi, doit se poursuivre jusqu'à jeudi.


«En raison du vote d'hier (mardi) soir, qui crée les pires relations sociales de l'histoire en Grèce, nous mènerons de nouvelles actions après les vacances», a dit le secrétaire général d'ADEDY.


Leur presse (Reuters), 15 décembre 2010.






Report from the Athens’ march


At 16:00 (GMT+2) protesters in Athens were clashing with riot police in front of the Polytechnic, while barricades have been erected all along Patision st. and the sourounding Exarcheia. Thousand of people refuse to leave the streets and the squares of the city — after the more than 100,000 strong march, they  are regroupinhg all around the centre and clash with the police for most of the day. The atmosphere smells of tear gas while rubbish bins are in flames everywhere downtown.


Earlier the ministry of finance was attacked by the strikers while big clashes took place in front of the parliament in Syntagma square where the police lines were scattered under a rain of molotov cocktails at  about 13:30 (GMT+2). Police threw gas bombs on the main body of the demo, but the march continued with loud chanting, police attacked the demonstrators in front of the Athens University and Sina st.


A few thousands of strikers attempted to occupy the HQ of the national trade unions (GSEE). GSEE executives are controlled by the governing PASOK party and in practice support  the governmental measures while they have refused to represent the workers in any effective way. Strong police forces protected GSEE offices by the strikers, after clashes, the strikers returned towards Omonoia from 3rd Septmeber st.


Earlier the former minister Hastzidakis was seen near the parliament and was beatten up by strikers…


Back to the streets… and more news will follow.

From the Greek Streets, December 15, 2010.



Un bus de la police incendié près du Parlement


Rue Amalias, près du Parlement


Du bon usage du parapluie



Live Feed from General Strike in Greece December 15th - Unrest in the Streets


Tens of thousands of people have entered the demonstration for the general strike today, with some prediction estimating the demonstration in Athens being up to 100, 000 people. Clashes with police have begun already in the early afternoon in Athens and Thessoloniki, with protesters throwing molotovs at police in front of Parliament in Syntagma square in Athens, a riot police bus burned near Parliament, and a goverrnment building as well as hotels attacked with molotovs.


4.30 — Behind the University of Economics and around the Polytechnio school in Athens there are scattered clashes with police in the street and barricades. There are reports that the nieghborhood of Exarcia has been completely militarized and that the police are stopping people there, arresting them, and harrasing whoever they find on the street. One caller to the 98 radio reported witnessing the police stop two people walking down the street in Exarica, and beat them badly before arresting them.


3.35pm — About 1,500 people are outside the police headquarters Thessoloniki where there are about 28 people arrested. A witness from the demonstration in Thessolonii reported to 98 radio in Athens that he saw an unmarked van arrive to the demonstration and take away three people. There is no further information regarding this report.




— Most recent reports say that around 2.30pm the police managed to split and scatter the demonstration at the GSEE after there were clashes in front of Polytechnio. Some people went to the GSEE union headquarters where there were more people, but here arrived more police who scattered people with beatings and teargas. Unconfirmed reports say that people moved into the Polytechnio, Exarcia, and Plaza Victoria recently. There are reports of riots in and around Exarcia and that it is impossible to enter the neighborhood.


— There is a confirmed report that a police riot squad bus was burned sometime around 1.30 directly in front of the national garden next to Parliament.


— In front of the museum Polytechnio there is a confirmed report that a Delta force of about 7 police on motorcycles were attacked by protesters when they police motorcycles drove into the demonstration. They were thrown from their motorcycles and the motorcycles were attacked, as well as the policemen.


— The entrance of the Minister of Economics building was burned after a molotov attack in the beggining of the demonstration. From here the majority of the demonstration headed to the parliament after the police split the demonstration.


— The police split the demonstration again at the Parliament using tear gas and beatings. However, people returned to the Parliament anyway and regrouped, and this is when the riot police bus was burned.


— Reports say that all the luxurious cars in front of the Grand Bretagne and the Saint George hotels directly in front of Parliament have been burned in the past few hours. Also there are reports that protesters attacked with fire the entrances to these hotels, and that there in  damage to the buildings. These are the most luxurious hotels in the capital.


— There is a report that the ex-minister of the New Democracy Party has been beaten by protesters.



There is an unknown number of arrests. One person in Syntagma has been injured after being run over by a police motorcycle by either DIAS or DELTA police, he has been hospitalized. Reports say that there is a massive amount of teargas being deployed by the police in Syntagma.


In Thessoloniki the demonstration was reported to be massive and “passionate”. At least 20 arrests have been reported there.


In Athens the general strike demonstration began at 11 with a gathering at the archeological museum.


More to come in the following minutes…


From the Greek Streets, December 15, 2010.




Publié dans Grèce générale

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